Extractive acid used as the continuous phase, the separation ofm-chloroaniline and p-chloroaniline is carried out by continuous counter-current dissociation extraction in a filling power equipment. 以萃取酸为连续相,应用填料塔设备对间氯苯胺及对氯苯胺混合物进行连续解离萃取以提纯间氯苯胺。
Effects of Different Pretreatments on Simulative Counter-current Extraction of Flavonoids from Bamboo 不同预处理对动态逆流模拟实验提取竹叶黄酮的影响
Study on Effective Separation Factor for Multi-component Rare Earths in Counter-current Extraction 多组分稀土串级萃取有效分离系数的研究
Spongy gold of purity 99.78% were obtained through MIBK 3 stages counter-current of Au extraction and ( NH 4) 2C 2O 4 back-extraction. MIBK3级逆流萃取金,草酸铵反萃制得纯度99.78%海绵金;
The results of computation showed that the efficiency of process with alternative extraction and stripping is higher than that of common multistage counter-current extraction process. 结果表明,萃取反萃交替过程的效率高于通用的多级逆流萃取过程。
Application of X-Ray Absorption Analysis to the Ce/ Pr Counter-Current Extraction Process X射线吸收快速分析仪在铈/镨分组段控制中的应用
Deacidification of rice bran miscella with 70% and 80% ethanol-hexane ( v/ v) by multi-stage cross-and counter-current liquid-liquid extraction was studied. 本文探讨了用70%和80%乙醇的已烷液(v/v)作为萃取剂,对酸值为28.60%的米糠混合油进行多级错流和逆流液&液萃取脱酸研究。
Continuous counter-current aqueous two-phase extraction of protein& mass transfer coefficient in packed column 双水相系统连续逆流萃取蛋白质&填料塔中的传质系数
Theoretical plate number calibration of furfural extraction column using counter-current extraction test 用假逆流萃取法对糠醛精制萃取塔理论段数的标定
For example, counter-current extraction and parallel-current stripping with alternative arrangement can increase mass transfer efficiency for extracting H3 PO4 with Di-n-Butyl Sulfoxide ( DBSO). 做为例证,对于二丁基亚砜(DBSO)萃取磷酸体系进行计算,利用逆流萃取并流反萃交替过程可能得到更高的传质效率。
Counter-current extraction was completed in separating funnels. Using six stages countercurrent extraction and adjusting pH of aqueous phase in the third stage, the measures guaranteed high extraction ratio of molybdenum and reduced tungsten loss. 用分液漏斗模拟逆流串级萃取,采用6级逆流萃取的方式,加以第3级出口水相调酸的措施,既保证了钼的高萃取率,又降低了钨损。
Then, the possibility to extract gelatin using multistage counter-current solid-liquid extraction is investigated. 在此基础上,实验研究了多级逆流固液萃取技术用于明胶提取工艺的可行性,并对工艺参数进行了优化。
Based on the stability studies, the multi-stage counter-current solid-liquid extraction technology was used to extract different biological sources of collagen. The production had a narrow molecular weight range and a high concentration. The process was continuous and automatic. 基于上述稳定性的研究,运用多级逆流固液萃取技术提取不同生物来源的胶原蛋白具有分子量范围窄、提取液浓度高、工艺具有连续自动化等优势。
It was investigated that the feasibility of multi-stage counter-current solid-liquid extraction technology for collagen preparation. The process had been optimized for different sources of raw materials. 实验考察了多级逆流固液萃取技术用于胶原蛋白制备工艺的可行性,并对工艺参数进行了优化,以适用于不同原料来源的胶原蛋白制备。